Before and After School Enrichment (BASE)
For K-8th graders in need of extended care before and/or after the regular 8 am - 3 pm school day

NCA’s BASE program provides kindergartners through 8th graders with scheduled before and after school activities where scholars can get extra time to work on homework assignments and discover new hobbies, interests, and activities outside the classroom setting.
Expectations for modeling the Pillars of Virtue remain the same during the enrichment program as during the regular school day.
For Kindergarten to 8th grade
Program Rates
You may choose Before School, After School or both. The Before School program runs from 6:30am – 7:30am and the After School program runs from dismissal – 6:00pm. Students are dropped off and picked up from the west parking lot.
- Before School Enrichment Program: $60.00/month
- After School Enrichment Program: $125.00/month
- Both Before & After School Enrichment Program: $180.00/month
All pricing is subject to change. We also offer drop-in rates on a per day basis.
- Before Care Drop-in: $5.00 per day
- After Care Drop-in: $12.00 per day
There is a sibling discount available of 50% for each additional sibling when you enroll more than one child in the BASE program.

Payment Information
All payments must be made through the school’s payment portal, ACTIVE. The same student ID number used for food service and carline will be used for BASE. Payments are due by the first of each month. NO CHILD WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR CARE IF PAYMENT HAS NOT BEEN RECEIVED IN ADVANCE. Extra fees may be charged for special events or enrichment services provided by outside vendors. These will be optional.
- Late payment: A late payment fee of $25.00 will be charged to any account with an outstanding balance on the 15th of the month.
- Refunds: Refunds are issued upon students’ withdrawal from the school if excess payment has been made. One-week notice is required when withdrawing a student.
Late Pickup-Fees
Parents that are late picking up their student(s) will be subject to the following fees:
- 1 – 15 minutes late: $15.00
- 16 – 30 minutes late: $30.00
- 31 – 45 minutes late: $45.00
- 46 – 60 minutes late: $60.00
- 61+ minutes late: $75 plus $15 for every quarter-hour and authorities called to pick-up student
All charges are per scholar. Sibling discounts do not apply to late fees. Repeated late pick-ups will jeopardize a scholar’s ability to participate in the program and extended day activities.
Clubs and Sports with BASE
Clubs and/or team sports are not included in the after-school enrichment program. Parents that sign up their scholars for clubs and/or sports will pay for those activities separately. Please refer to the Athletics section of the website for details.
The scholars can attend clubs and/or sports and then return to the after-school enrichment program if they are enrolled in the After School Enrichment (BASE) program.
Complete your registration
Register for BASE
An annual online registration form is required. Each year a new non-refundable registration fee is required of $32.00 per child or $50.00 per family. If registration is completed by August 1st, the registration fee will be waived. An annual registration form and fee is required for drop-ins as well. Registration can be completed through your ACTIVE account.
Visit to log in and click the Before and After Care Registration link on your homepage. Look for the BASE logo.
Choose your program and complete your registration. Before the online registration application will be accepted:
- All required fields from the must be completed including the emergency contact information.
- A copy of the parent’s or guardian’s Driver’s License or state-issued ID must be uploaded.
- Registration fee (if after August 1) must be received.
Receive alerts when program fees are due and quickly pay online or with the ACTIVE mobile app.

If you need assistance with your registration, please contact ACTIVE directly by logging into your account. For all other program questions, please contact the school at [email protected].
Now Hiring a Head of School
Do you want to be a part of building up the next generation? We are looking for our next Head of School to join us in helping students become informed and responsible adults.