
Naples Classical Academy is accepting applications for Grades K-12.
Find the steps to apply here.

Step 1: Complete a Lottery Application

Naples Classical Academy is accepting applications via SchoolMint for Grades K-12  Florida law requires a random student selection lottery when there are more student applicants than seats available in a particular grade.

After creating your account, select the school year and then the school you are applying to attend.

You will be notified of lottery results via the email provided during the application process. 

To apply for the current 2024-25 school year, you will see In the top right corner of the guardian portal, a dropdown next to 2025-2026. Please change this to 2024-2025 to access the 2024-2025 enrollment site.

If you have any questions, please email registrar@naplesclassical.org.

Step 2: Receive an Offer to Register or Waitlist Status

The number of student seats available in each grade will determine how many are sent offers to register. If your student is selected for a seat, you will receive an offer to register. If your student is placed on a waitlist due to more applicants than seats available, you will be notified of waitlist status.

If you receive an offer for a seat. you have 3 days to accept. See Step 3 for more details.

QUESTIONS: Please contact the registrar at registrar@naplesclassical.org if you have any issues or questions about the NCA enrollment process.

Step 3: Accept Offer to Register

When you receive the offer to register, you will have 3 days to accept the offer to let us know you plan to complete the registration process. To accept the offer, follow the instructions in the email received from SchoolMint.

Step 4: Complete Registration

Registration starts on the 10th of January. For the first lottery, you will have until the 24th of January to complete the registration process.  For subsequent lotteries, you will have 14 calendar days from the date you accept the offer to register to complete the registration process through SchoolMint. NCA has a paperless registration process, so all documents will need to be uploaded using the SchoolMint instructions provided. Families who do not complete the registration process by the due date will lose their student’s seat; that seat will be turned over to the next student on the waiting list.

Documents Needed for NCA Enrollment

  • Proof of Address:
    • One (1) of the following:
      • Current Collier County Homestead Exemption Card (considered family’s primary residence)
      • Current Collier County Property Tax Notice (may require additional verification)
      • Home Purchase Contract in Collier County, with specified closing date; A copy of the deed to be provided within 30 days of closing date
      • Copy of a Collier County Manifestation of Domicile filed by the parent
      • A current rental/lease agreement
    • AND Two (2) of the following:
      • Current Florida Driver’s License or Florida ID card
      • Auto Insurance (last two statements)
      • Current electric, water, cable or landline phone bill (last two statements)
      • Government-issued document
  • Student Birth Certificate
  • Valid Parent/Guardian photo ID
  • Immunization DH680 (immunization records)
  • Physical DH3040 (pages 1 & 2)
    • Florida High School Athletic Association (FHSAA) Pre-participation Physical Evaluation Form (EL2) is also acceptable
  • Proof of Custody (if applicable, court documentation must include child(ren)’s name and both parent’s signature)
  • Copy of IEP/504 plans (if applicable)
  • Medication Administration Authorization for Healthcare Provider
  • Report Card/Records from Previous School
    • For incoming kindergarten students with no prior school records, the parent/guardian can submit a note stating “student has no prior records.”
    • For homeschooled students, school records can be uploaded directly into registration.
    • Release of Student Records/Information
Additional Information

Related Policies

QUESTIONS: Please check out the FAQs below or contact the registrar at info@naplesclassical.org if you have any issues or questions about the NCA enrollment process.


Frequently Asked Questions

Enrollment questions for 2024-2025

Parents must fill out an application for NCA’s random admissions lottery via SchoolMint.

The random admissions lottery will be conducted after each Open Enrollment period has ended. Parents will be notified of their student’s status 1-2 days after the lottery.

First Enrollment Period
The first enrollment period starts in December each year.

Second Enrollment Period
The Lottery dates are posted in a table on the Enrollment page of the website.  

If all available seats are not filled after the second established open enrollment period, subsequent applications will be accepted and ordered based on the date the application was received and the preferences extended to the applicant. As seats become available, they will be offered to applicants according to this established order until capacity is reached.

The following students will be given a priority in the admission process (note that NCA is currently in the Charter School Program Grant period and following federal student lottery guidelines):

  1. Siblings of enrolled students
  2. Students of founding governing board members
  3. Students of employees

No. You will need to complete the Registration process by submitting all documents within 14 days.

No. Existing students have priority over new students in the enrollment process.

No. Each school-year’s Waiting List starts anew with a fresh lottery, so that everyone has an equal chance of getting in (with the exception of siblings – see the next item).

Siblings of enrolled students will have priority placement during the enrollment process as per Florida Statutes.

There are no fees required to apply to or attend the school.

The same items as required for all public schools. See the  Documents Needed for Enrollment section for a list of all documents needed and fillable record request forms.