Welcome to Third Grade at Naples Classical Academy! This is my fourth year at the school. I am a graduate of Ave Maria University, with a degree in Elementary Education and History. I seek to form young minds to desire and seek after Truth, Goodness, and Beauty!
Each evening: Read for 15 minutes.
Please refer to your student’s planner for each day’s assignments.
Homework is a fundamental part of our general academic program. It prepares scholars for high-level academic studies and entry into the working world upon graduation. It also helps develop a strong work ethic and habits of organization. In third grade, students should expect an average of 30 minutes of homework each evening. This time allotment does not include reading assignments or studying.
Thank you for your support!
Please check your email for our weekly Class Newsletter!
In the following link, you will find a Google Drive with resources for our History and Science curriculums.
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10270 Immokalee Road Naples, FL 34120