Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question about Naples Classical Academy? We have an answer!


General School and Program Questions

8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Students who need to arrive prior to 7:30 a.m. will have the opportunity to join the Before Care program. Children should not be dropped off before 7:30 a.m. unless they are in the Before Care program. Afternoon pickup (carline) will start lining up at 2:30 p.m., no earlier. After Care will end at 6:00 p.m.

Naples Classical will have full-time security on the school grounds. A Visitor Management Software system will also be in place to perform background checks for all visitors to the school campus. We have consulted with a Safety and Security Task Force made up of former law enforcement and other security experts. The school will have a Threat Assessment Team and an Active Assailant Team, ensuring procedures are in place and effective in the case of an emergency. Monthly random Emergency Drills for all teams, teachers, staff and students will be held.  

Before Care and After Care will be offered in the school building. Please see our Before and After Care page for more details. It will be open Monday through Friday at 6:30 a.m. Pickup will be by 6:00 p.m. 

Yes, we will offer both breakfast and lunch to all students as well as participating in the Free and Reduced meal programs. You will be able to use the MySchoolBucks payment program to add money to your student's meal account.  

No, there will not be any bus transportation available.

View the supplies list for grades Kg through 6th grade. 7th through 12th grade will receive their list on the first day of school. 

We have both sports and clubs.  A choice of clubs for students of all grades will be developed after school is in session. We will have athletics at both the middle and high school levels.  It is our goal to field teams in cross country, track, basketball, soccer, volleyball, baseball, softball and more.

There will be volunteer opportunities. Check out our Become a Volunteer page for more information.


Curriculum and Academics Questions

Our teachers are certified just like other public schools. We generally follow the state class size guidelines and ratios for an average of 18 for K-3, 22 for 4-8, and 25 for 9-12.

Computers or other electronic devices are not used in the NCA classrooms. Some required state testing will be accomplished on computers and for the upper school, laptops may be used for senior theses or other compositions. Teachers will have all the latest technology at their disposal to do their jobs.

Yes, all scholars will have either recess or PE daily.

Yes, Naples Classical Academy serves various needs within special education programs. Students 504s, IEPs, or EPs can all attend Naples Classical Academy. Naples Classical Academy uses the ESE Inclusion Model for IEPs, meaning scholars must be able to be in a regular classroom for 80% or more of the day. Additional questions regarding any of these programs should be directed to our Student Services Director, Ms. Ruscella at [email protected]

All scholars will have at least weekly instruction in both art and music.

Foreign language instruction starts in Kindergarten. Spanish for Grades K-2. Latin starts in 3rd grade. High school scholars will also have other language choices.

There will be volunteer opportunities. Check out our Become a Volunteer page for more information.


High School and College Questions

All students have access to meet with the on-campus College Advisor as needed. Depending on the grade level, scholars will meet individually or with a group for instruction on some aspect concerning academic success, graduation, postsecondary options, and the like.

Yes, all scholars in grades 8-12 will take the three major college-readiness exams, but not every year. All scholars in grades 6-12 take the Classical Learning Test (CLT) for their grade level each year.  Scholars in 11th & 12th grade will take part in the SAT School Testing Days. They will take the full length exam on the selected school day. 11th & 10th grade scholars will take the PSAT on the national PSAT day to potentially earn the National Merit Scholarship and determine their progress towards their score goal. 9th grade scholars will take the PSAT 8/9 exam. Scholars in grade 8 will also take the PSAT 8/9. 

NCA encourages scholars to take advantage of the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP). Please email for more information.

Bright Futures is a program through the state of Florida and the state Board of Education. As long as a scholar meets the minimum requirements set for either the Florida Academic Scholar award or the Florida Medallion award, they will earn that level of scholarship! The requirements include: 16 required credits, weighted GPA of 3.5/3.0, community service/paid work/combination totaling 100/75 hours, and an SAT/ACT/CLT score of 1340/29/96 or 1210/25/86. Please see the information on this link to learn more!

Community Service Hours are available for high school students either through NCA or an outside program. NCA students are encouraged to meet a minimum of 100 volunteer hours prior to graduation.

CLICK HERE to download the service hours form.

NCA offers a competitive athletics program.

Parking will be available for high school drivers. Students must fill out the Student Parking Form in order to receive a parking permit. There will be designated parking spaces for students.

All upper and high school students will be issued a lock and a locker. All backpacks and personal items should be placed in their locker at the beginning of the day. Backpacks will not be brought into the classroom. 

Cell phones are not allowed on campus. Students who bring their cell phone to school will have it removed, and parents will be required to pick it up from the front desk. There may be other consequences, depending on the situation. 

Section 1007.261(1)(a), Florida Statutes, requires two credits of sequential foreign language instruction at the secondary level as a prerequisite for admission to all Florida state colleges and universities. All high school students will complete this requirement regardless of postsecondary plans.