Grade-by-Grade Uniforms

Naples Classical Grade-by-Grade Uniform Requirements

AttireUniform PieceApplicable GradesGenderOptional/MandatoryDays Worn
ShirtsNavy or Red Polo Shirt (Long or Short Sleeve)K-12Male/FemaleMandatoryEvery day - All Students must have at least one shirt with embroidered school logo.
Logo T- Shirt (Spirit t-shirts will be available at a later date from the school)K-12Male/FemaleOptionalEach class will have days designated by their classroom teacher that they may wear this shirt.
Solid Colored Blue or White Dress Shirt with Solid Color Blue or Black or Conservative Striped Tie

(no bright colors or characters)
9-12Male/FemaleOptionalEvery day
BottomsKhaki or Navy Bottoms (Long pants or "To the Knee" Length Shorts)K–12Male/FemaleMandatoryEvery day
Khaki or Navy "To the Knee" SkortK–12FemaleOptionalEvery day
Khaki or Navy "To the Knee" SkirtK-12FemaleOptionalEvery day
*Navy Ponte DressK–12FemaleOptionalEvery day
Lands’ End Red/Blue Plaid Jumper & White BlouseK–3FemaleOptionalEvery day
OuterwearSolid Black or Navy Blue JacketK–12Male/FemaleOptionalEvery day
Navy Blue Pullover V-Neck SweaterK–12Male/FemaleOptionalEvery day
Navy Blue Cardigan (Button Front)K–12Male/FemaleOptionalEvery day